Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Strange Scenes: What CATches my eye today!

Here's the first installment of "Strange Scenes." It's a baffling world we live in!

Driving my usual Monday route, usual time. Zipping along, listening to my typical 80's radio station, barely noticing the same scenery out the windows...

...until my brain registers something different. Something wrong! Like one of those activities in children's magazines where you have to find all the mistakes in the drawing, except this was very real!

Of course, driving 50 miles an hour, down a curvy road, I was past it and had rounded a corner before I really had a chance to assess what in the world was going on! All I can say is that it was a man running down the sidewalk...with a cat on his back.

Yes, a cat on his back. Not a cat-in-a-backpack-riding-on-his-back, nor a cat-in-a-baby-carrier-riding-on-his-back...but a cat clinging to his shoulders and back for dear life, looking quite uncomfortable with the situation, nails dug into the man's T-shirt. Nope, not a rugged canvas coat, but a thin T-shirt. There's no way this man didn't feel this feline's claws digging in.

What in the world was happening???? I have a few scenarios, although none of them seem very likely:

1. Man was jogging along, minding his own business, and cat-who-has-seen-too-much-Animal-Planet jumps out of tree onto man's back, hoping for some dinner. After all, the man was running alone, so shouldn't he be easy prey, away from his pack? Perhaps what I DIDN'T see were the assortment of other cats hiding along the path, ready to help take down the victim?

2. Man and cat are fleeing from fire.

3. Man attempted to give cat a bath, cat took to highest ground (man's shoulders), and man took off running for help.

4. Man really wanted a dog, but wife/girlfriend would not allow it, as it would stress poor kitty out, therefore man attempts to take cat jogging, trying to have cat fill the place of his dream dog. Cat would not cooperate, so man attempted holding cat while he jogged, but cat freaked out and squirmed up onto his shoulder. Man is too stubborn to accept defeat and tolerates nails in his skin, and will later tell wife/girlfriend what a great idea it was that he had. Wife/girlfriend will find scratches on man's back, and will promptly end relationship, assuming he's having an affair. Man then buys dog.

5. Man was taking a leisurely stroll with his parakeet on his shoulder, cat attacked parakeet from its tree perch.

6. Man is trying to train cat to ride on his shoulder while jogging so he can be famous on YouTube.

7. Jogging is very difficult and painful for man, therefore man brings clinging-cat-with-sharp-claws to inflict constant pain on him, hence distracting him from the pain of his running.

8. There was no man, there was no cat, and all my exercise lately is causing me to hallucinate.

Which of my options do you think matched the reality? Or do you perhaps have another suggested scenario of your own? Please comment!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hate What Is Evil???

Yes, I watched the royal wedding. My boys, who love history, pomp and circumstance, tradition, formality, and grew up loving Disney movies, were excited to see the first commoner married into the British Royal Family in 300+ years.

Riveted they were to the television screen, properly shot full of enough history from the previous evening's 20/20 special to understand the significance of the people, the event, the TIARA....they were absorbing every word. Which is how Andrew didn't let this one slide...

"...hate what is evil..."

An excerpt from Kate's brother James, as he gave the only reading at the service, taken from the book of Romans, chapter 15. A wider excerpt being "Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honour."

Andrew turned to me and said, "You know, Mom (many of their quips begin this way), I don't really think you should hate evil, because hating, itself, IS evil."

I replied, "Well, Andrew, I'd agree with you--I think that's very wise." I'd like to think I had followed up with "Jesus said to love your enemies, didn't he?" but I'm not one to say the right thing in the right moment....EVER. I think I tried to slip it in later in the day.

Tonight, I'm very thankful for this comment of his, and for him pointing out the hypocrisy of hating evil...hate in any form is a dangerous feeling (or state). It implies a whole-lotta judgment and in many cases can justify things (acts, feelings), which we know are not for us to justify.

I'm trying to carefully sort out my emotions concerning Osama bin Laden's death, and in doing so, not to celebrate his death as a human being. What I feel I can celebrate is that he will no longer be a leader of hate himself. There will be no more calls to violent action from his lips. He will no longer fund, and train people for, acts of terrorism, nor open any more schools for Al-Queda. I am trying to distance myself from focusing on the fact that his spirit has left our realm, and replace the parts of my heart which held onto anxiety concerning his next steps with thoughts of peace and light instead.

These things I can celebrate with joy.

His death? I figure death is something sacred between the universe (God, if you prefer) and the individual, and I'm best off just thinking, "No comment."

And hate what is evil? Well...it doesn't feel right to project hate into any situation. Project love instead. Which doesn't mean you need to love what is evil....why love it or hate it? Just give love to what you feel is evil. Where's the harm in that? That doesn't mean Osama should've been given hugs...don't get me wrong! His actions created a need for us to capture him to prevent further harm...I'm not preaching ambivalence by any means!

Although, I wonder...if he had been given more hugs as a child....???

Let's make May a month of love, to counter all the violence bin Laden endorsed. That would probably really piss him off. ;0)